
The Client is very forgiving. Running python3 ./examples/ will tell you what options are available. Furthermore, running python3 ./examples/ <function> with a appropriate function out of the list {insert,delete,fetch,query} will tell you exactly what you need/what is missing.


Both the Client and Repo have [-h] for help on how to run and [-v] for getting the current version.


Inserts a local file given by the path within a hydra repo associated with the following Name. Insertion requires the number nodes to be 2 x Num_Copies and it is required to have the number of copies at least be 2 so that if one fails, nodes can download the file from the other node that has the file.

Assuming this is ran being in the root directory, the following is a template on ways to run the client with insert.

python3 ./examples/ insert -r <repo-prefix> -f <file-name> -p <path> [-c <num-copies>]

For example:

python3 ./examples/ insert -r /hydra -f /home/a.txt -p ./examples/files/10kb.txt


Deletes a file within a hydra repo associated with the following Name.

Assuming this is ran being in the root directory, the following is a template on ways to run the client with delete.

python3 ./examples/ delete -r <repo-prefix> -f <file-name>

For example:

python3 ./examples/ delete -r /hydra -f /home/a.txt


Queries a hydra repo to find out how, where, and what information it holds. Queries reach only one node that responds by looking into it’s Global View.

Assuming this is ran being in the root directory, the following is a template on ways to run the client with a query.

python3 ./examples/ query -r <repo-prefix> -q <query> [-s <sessionid>]

For example:

python3 ./examples/ query -r /hydra -q /files
Types implemented so far:

* /files * /sids * /file/<Name> where Name is a name associated with a file. * /prefix/<Prefix> where Prefix is a prefix belonging to an unknown number of file names.


Fetches a file from a hydra repo.

Assuming this is ran being in the root directory, the following is a template on ways to run the client with a fetch.

python3 ./examples/ fetch -r <repo-prefix> -f <file-name> [-p <path>]

For example:

python3 ./examples/ fetch -r /hydra -f /home/a.txt -p ./examples/output/sample.txt